
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V w X Y Z
Bahasa Melayu Bahasa Inggeris
Kadar Dividen Dividends Rate
Kaedah Analisis Analysis Method
Kaedah Baki Berkurangan Declining Balance Method
Kaedah Garis Lurus Straight-Line Method
Kaedah Kawalan Tunai Control of Cash Method
Kaedah Pelunasan Amortisation Method
Kaedah Pengiraan Calculation Method
Kaedah Perbandingan Comparison Method
Kaedah Peruntukan Allocation Method/Allowance Method
aedah Susut Nilai Depreciation Method
Kawalan Dalaman Internal Controls
Kawalan Fizikal Physical Control
Kawalan Tunai Control of Cash
Kebolehbandingan Comparability
Kebolehfahaman Ability to Understand
Kebolehsahan Verifiability
Kemuflisan/ Kebankrapan Bankruptcy
Kerelevanan Relevancy
Kerja Dalam Proses Work In Process / Work in Progress
Kerja Dalam Proses Akhir Ending Work In Process
Kerja Dalam Proses Awal Beginning Work In Process
Kesilapan Amaun Amount Error
Kesilapan Ketara Significant Error
Kesilapan Ketinggalan Missed The Transaction / Missing Transaction
Kesilapan Komisen Commission Error
Kesilapan Prinsip Principle Error
Kesilapan Terbalik/ Songsang Reciprocal Error
Kesilapan Tidak Ketara Non-Significant Error
Ketakpadanan Mismatch
Ketekalan Consistency
Kitaran Perakaunan Accounting Cycle
Komisen Jualan Sales Commission
Kongsi Rugi Loss Sharing
Kongsi Untung Profit Sharing
Konsep Kos Cost Concept
Konservatisme Conservatisn
Koperasi Cooperative
Kos Bahan Langsung Direct Material Cost
Kos Bahan Tak Langsung Indirect Material Cost
Kos Barang Sedia untuk Dijual Cost of Goods Available for Sale
Kos Bercampur Mixed Cost
Kos Berubah Variable Cost
Kos Berubah Seunit Variable Cost Per Unit
Kos Buruh Langsung Direct Labor Cost
Kos Buruh Tak Langsung Indirect Labor Cost
Kos Jualan / Kos Barang Dijual Cost of Sales / Cost of Goods Sold (COGS)
Kos Overhead Overhead Cost
Kos Lepas / Kos Peluang Opportunity Cost
Kos Pengeluaran / Kos Pengilangan Manufacturing Cost / Production Cost
Kos Pengendalian Operating Cost
Kos Penukaran Conversion Cost
Kos Prima Prime Cost
Kos Produk Product Cost
Kos Sejarah Historical Cost
Kos Serapan Absorption Cost
Kos Sisa Residual Cost
Kos Tenggelam Sunk Cost
Kos Tetap Fixed Cost
Kredibiliti Credibility
Kredit Credit
Kurangan Deficit


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